WEEK4: Analysis Of Mise-en-Scène

Research Activity 1

Fantastic Mr. Fox-Chemistry
  • Settings & Props

Firstly we could clearly find out that the whole scene was set in a chemistry or biology lab because of these test tubes containing reagents of various colors,and it also reveal to the audience that the identity of the character in the play would be a teacher, student who major in chemistry or biology because of the class information was put on the door in the beginning.

  • Costume, Hair & Make Up

The fox who always foucused on his experiment always wearing a bright color uniform all over besides he put a white cover outside of the uniform. Although he was wearing bright color clothes all over, he still did not get any stains during the experiments. It tells audience he is a reliable person and got enough patience furthermore he should did well on his experiment. All of these facts make enough contrast to other 2 characters the female fox dressing casually shows she was careless and the other one wearing a T-shirt was same.

  • Facial Expressions & Body Language

The fox wearing bright clolor uniform his eyesight always contains on the experiment equipments, and keep all his attention on his own things. So that when others did not listen or obey him, he would turn his head and feel impatient, and then others would do as he said. All these actions could prove that he control everything in the lab, and he is an extremely dedicated person and hopes that people around him could keep up with his movements. The female fox always look outside obviously something happened and attracted her.

  • Lighting and Colour

First it would be natural lighting and the main color is a warm color with mainly orange, and the main character wearing a more cold color uniform, this setting highlight his action.

  • Positioning of characters/objects within the frame

This is a parallel composition. The fox doing his experiment stand on one side another two characters share another side both. This is a good for the narrative, because of that it is equivalent to telling the audience that he has a dominant position in the narrative of this scene.

  • What role does the shot choice (Cinematography) play in the scene.

It is a mid-shot could show the character’s actions in the scene.

Research Activity 2

Anomalisa. Charlie Kaufman 2016
  • The mise-en-scene in this picture

From the neat white quilt and the small stall at the end of the bed, it can be seen that this scene should take place in a hotel. The men and the women lie on both sides of the middle line of the screen. The creator should want to break this absolute balance of the middle composition, so deliberately lift the quilt on one side to break the middle line of the frame, increasing the story of the frame and creating a sense of anxiety. Besides the light of this frame uses warm colors, the overall brightness and purity are not high, but it brings a sense of strangeness.

  • The characters placed in the frame

The arms of both of them are embracing, which is an insecure posture. Although the man only slightly completely completes his left hand, this is still enough to reflect the guard mood of the two.

Research Activity 3

Hitchcock, A. Rebecca (1940)
  • Can you describe the relationship between the characters?

The relationship between hostess and housekeeper. The lefthand side women is the hostess, another side women is the housekeeper.

  • How do we know what the relationship is?

The woman on the left is more relaxed and leisurely, and her expressions and movements give people a sense of unfettered freedom in this environment. On the contrary, the color of the woman on the right is monotonous and solemn. She should be wearing uniforms and her hands clasped on her chest. It could be found that she should be working in a polite manner.

  • Can you describe how the mise-en-scene works together to tell us what the relationship is?

On the side of the hostess, the lighting of the whole scene is much more brighter, and her dressing set off the innocence and kindness of the hostess. The scene on the side of the housekeeper is dark, and the housekeeper’s black uniform also blends her silhouette with the dim background, symbolizing the darkness of the housekeeper’s soul. The two formed a sharp contrast and laid the groundwork for the conflict.

Research Activity 4

The Breadwinner, 2017
  • Can you describe the mise-en-scene in this picture?

This frame is based on central composition. The girl is in the center of the frame and vision, and the surrounding scenes fade away behind the girl. The overall tone is cold although there are more warm colors in the scene because of that the purity of the colors is not high, but the colors on the girl have deliberately increased the purity, which could more highlight the protagonist and attract the attention of the audience. The girl’s movements seemed to indicate that she wanted to hide something, perhaps her identity or her face.

  • What type of shot is it?


  • What is the camera angle?

The angle would be eye level.

  • Where is the character located in the frame?

She stands in the mid of this frame

  • What is she wearing?

Brown robe and red headscarf.

  • What is the depth-of-field?

Deep focus.

  • Describe the colour palette?

The overall tone is cold although there are more warm colors in the scene because of that the purity of the colors is not high, but the colors on the girl have deliberately increased the purity, which could more highlight the protagonist and attract the attention of the audience.

  • Describe the lighting?

It’s more like high key lighting. The whole scene is bright but cold, and maybe uses more filler lights to form the dark side of the girl’s face, she does not want to be discovered.

Notes for this week

The elements of Mise-en-Scène

  • Setting & props
    • Build from scratch or find a setting which already exists.
  • Costume, Hair & Make Up
    • As an instant indicator to audience of a character’s personality, status and job.
  • Facial Expressions & Body Language
    • Provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling/ reflect the state of relationship.
  • Lighting and Colour
    • Different lighting to achieve different effects. Relate with the colour of emotion.
  • Positioning of characters/objects within the frame
    • Draw audience’s attention to the important object/ indicate relationship.

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