This week our team focus on rendering and compositing. Ziyin will finish other animations, while Guanze and wanxuan focus on rendering. I am responsible for setting render layers to them and compositing.
According to Ziyin’s cut I imported the reference file and check there was no mistakes on reference files. And then I put the default light set we created for the two characters and put them into different layers. After that I divided the scene into layers closescene, midscene and farscene just to make sure we could create a greater sense of space and depth of scene. Also I set a shadow layer too, I could adjust the color of all shadows individually. This process is the key to make sure we can finish the rendering work for nearly 40 cameras in the limited time. Besides this will allow more scope for compositing.

And then change the rendering settings we need the Z depth and RGBA in box channel and edge in contour channel and merge these channels together with exr format.

I put all the layers sequences into After Effects and then I tweaked them separately for some effects like the curves and brightness and contrast. Finally I put the default compositing into a new sequences and extract the Z depth and adjust the focal length by that. Furthermore I add another adjust layer to edit the color into a shade of orange with some glow effect.

And here is the first cut I will use this template to composit the rest cuts.