Week6: Optimised Animations & Rendering Layers

This week I optimised all the animations including add breakdown and edit animation curves, and I got some nice animation clip. And then I also set the rendering for the whole files.

Optimised Animations

Optimising animations is a very tedious task and every detail that is not in place can make the whole animation look very strange. I usually like to first adjust the curve to the keyframe animation to get the rhythm of the animation down, and then add breakdowns to refine the connections between the different poses.

Rendering Layers

After editing animations I begin to set the rendering. Thanks to my previous works, I already have a cup of nice effect images, I just need to follow their parameters to the animtion file and add some extra effects in depending on the needs of different shots. After that I will layer out the parts that are animated and layer out the parts that are not animated separately, which saves me a lot of time in rendering. Finally I need to spend time on waiting for the rendering sequence.

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