I’ve done layout work last week, so this week I need to reference asstes I’ve done the look development before into the scene and continuely add more details in it. Finally I will export the whole scene as a USD file to Unreal Engine.
Referencing into scene is simple just click the button ‘Create Reference’ which under the File button. And choose which file you want to reference. So I quickly did this step and put all assets I need in it. And drap them into different places.

Even though I dragged in some full assets, the scene looks pretty simple right now and I need to add more details. First of all I found a brick street material from Quiexl Bridge and cause the story happened in a cloudy deep night enviroment so I wanna the ground surface have some small puddles. So I send this material into Quiexl Mixer to add a water plane and edit the reflection and the height.

Finally I import the power line pole in the top and back of the station, and choose a hdr map to control the whole scene’s brightness.

For the USD file, it can now only be exported in Maya via Maya 2022 and above. One thing need to notice that you must change the subdivision method into Catmull-Clark and trun on the Color and UV Sets.