This week I would make the shader for the 2 characters and set rendering, after that I would also use AE make title video and subtitle videos for the trailer.

As I seted before texturing the material, I just need to put the texture from Substance Painter into Hypershade window. Then link different textures to the right position.

It is worth to mention that some nodes in the Arnold material require manual adjustment of parameters. Rounghness, metalic, opcity(if have) and displaement textrures require to change the color space into Raw and turn on the Alpha is luminance this could make the rendering corectly. Besides if you use normal map make sure add one bump2D node and link normal map’s alpha to bump value in the node then out normal to the normal camara. Also change the color space into Raw.

After linking creat a skydome light and put a hdr texture in it. This step is just make sure everything is right in the final rendering under a normal light set. Besides I also made some changes somewhere I feel unsatisfied. For example I thought the glass masks on the helmet is too clean so I add one extra noise map to get more dirty detail and mixed the base color and the noise map together and link in base color. Therefore I got the final character rendering version.

I really like the title design in DeathStranding, especial the hair strand effect. Basicly this is mainly achieved through effect expressions. Just need 2 expressions of vector mash to control the random seed and size finally also need to add another expressions to control the size of the effect.

Next week I probable foucused on other subtitle video and wait for collaborator’s rendering video to edit, this project is coming to the ending~

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