As our script we need 2 SCP foundation investigators, so I searched several references which is closely to the investigators.
Firstly I just thought the area which our story happens would full of toxic gases even nuclear radiation phenomenon so I quickly reminded some medical staff in protective clothing, they would wear face masks in work daily and have enough protection suit. So I found some images relate to this in Art Station.

But our teammates Guanze Wu added that our characters should have more than just protective clothing that fits real life, it could have some sci equipment to against the huge Cthulu monster. With this point I linked to astronauts equipment. These equipments is strong enough to defence the body and it makes things more reliable.

I mainly use MAYA and Zbrush to model character, so in the very first time I quickly set several basic box to confirm the size of character.

Cause I wanna make a helmet to defence toxic gases so the head looks like a little big. So I move to Zbrush to sculpt the model.

I used ZSphere to get a basic body model and set differet sphere in right place and then I just need to work on sculpting and following the reference especialy sculpt some pleating effect of clothes.

Finally I got this basic model but the subdivision was too high, so next week I will focus on topo this model until 10,000 faces max.